Services Offered
Services are offered to clients who are interested in having their content written for them by the Fashionably Beks team. Services also include a strategic marketing session, brand development review, target audience research, and visual design tips. Collaborators have full creative control.
Satisfaction Assured
Content is written in the client's "brand voice". Prior to publication, your blogger will review your strategic marketing strategies and brand concept. Collaborators have full creative control over their content as long as it is suitable for the blog. Photographers are welcomed to post their content with the approval from the editor. All publications are credited.
Professional Approach
All posts are written in a timely fashion, and collaborators have the ability to schedule the deadlines for publication. If collaborators are interested in posting their own content without writing assistance, the content must first be approved by the editor. If client is seeking PR coverage or ad campaign development, a timeline will need to be implemented.
Personalized Attention
All works produced with collaborators are published with high-quality content that markets the collaborators talent and personalized brand. Blog branding includes SEO optimization, trending topics, target audience review, unlimited revisions, interviews,  and marketing tips.